Based in United Kingdom


A For-profit with social mission

How This Works

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Organization Details

Unify is a social impact company that uses tech for good to connect donors directly with the homeless community. By creating secure, digital banking profiles for the individual, we can ensure donations get directly to the cause by either a tap on an RFID wristband on the street, or through in-app donations to a random recipient in the donors chosen area. Unify also distributes restricted pre-payment cards, linked to the user's account, to make sure donations are spent on essential goods and services only.  

Impact Story

The concept was born from seeing people on the street, who are reliant on cash for their survival, go short due to the ever-increasing cashless society. Following rigorous research into homelessness, we soon realised that there was a bigger problem of unseen homeless 'hidden homeless', who don't have access to any donations whatsoever and still live in horrendous conditions stuck in the poverty trap. On top of this, due to address constraints, the majority of these people didn't have access to traditional banking methods to even store money if they had it. 

Unify was developed to solve all of these problems for anyone in need, and as we have seen all over the world during this pandemic, millions more people are in need of help out of the poverty trap.