
Organization Details
My startup, Privando has created wearable products that specifically address social justice issues like the Me Too movement. We have 3 key focus areas: education, legislation, and technology. Our team is currently working on mimicking the technology from an emergency blue light box (from university campuses) into gadgets like watches and rings. We are working with women from rural areas in India, grooming them with skills they need in technology, and having them to help engineer and market the product. We also been working with inputting gender equality-related activities and education in schools. This curriculum is written by the Privando team, and has been overseen by Government Officials of India. We have also been working with them to mandate legislation surrounging India becoming the most dangerous country for women, bringing justice to the current survivors.
Impact Story
We exist to empower women in India, keep them safe, and provide them equal opportunity. Even before the launch of Privando, our CEO & Founder, Jeeva began working with the administrations of 731 schools across India to share and implement educational resources pertaining to cyberbullying, stalking and gender equality. During 2020, Privando supported 1,232 survivors in India, some of whom were at risk for human trafficking, and expanded to 164 chapters across India, the United States and Africa. Since 2019, Jeeva has been traveling from large cities to small villages to collect stories from survivors, assist women in reporting assaults and launched community connections for local chapters. Jeeva hopes to achieve a world where respect for women and gender equity is a commonality.