Citizen Tasmania

Organization Details
Citizen Tasmania provides people with the means to tackle human rights challenges within their communities through education, empowerment, and connection. Since the inception of the organisation in 2018, Citizen Tasmania has successfully delivered major social impact initiatives. These include the production and distribution of two documentary films and corresponding education campaigns to mobilise Australian communities to take action to reduce gender inequality and human rights violations. Citizen places people with marginalised histories at the centre of social change creating leadership and economic opportunities that enable participative democracy, by educating, empowering, and connecting people within communities to transform oppressive systems.
Impact Story
Australia is the only liberal democracy without a Bill of Rights to protect fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens. Citizen Tasmania was founded to promote and protect human rights by supporting communities to address human rights challenges in political environments without comprehensive legal protection.Through the None A Week campaign Citizen mobilised over 200 members of the Tasmanian community resulting in the implementation of Tasmania’s first Health Justice Partnership for women and children experiencing abuse. The campaign also resulted in increased funding to Hobart Women’s Shelter, to build new homes for women fleeing violent relationships
Through Moonah Bazaar Citizen has successful hosted on an average of 15 to 16 migrant and refugee businesses, resulting in 100s of people attending the market enabling cultural exchange through story sharing by people from diverse migrant communities. This has enabled Citizen to facilitate social cohesion and support marginalised communities to thrive. Alongside these major initiatives, Citizen has been an active social change agent in Australia by supporting and leading established organisations and young people from marginalised communities to tackle human rights challenges using a narrative and arts-based framework.
Diverse Social Enterprise
The TRANSFORM Support Hub is committed to accelerating diverse owned and led enterprises to build more equitable and resilient supply chains.