Human Connections

Organization Details
Headquartered in Bucerías, Mexico, a small beach town on the Pacific coast of Mexico, Human Connections is a non-profit that connects local people with international audiences through travel programs and curated experiences. Our goal is to empower local communities while fostering conversations that shift perspectives and increase understanding. Through a vibrant network of local partners - Mexican artisans, tradespeople, and organizations - HC creates opportunities for authentic, meaningful exchanges. These local partners have a platform to share their culture, have agency over their stories, and generate increased income. Concurrently, travelers gain an increased understanding of Mexican culture while cultivating more empathetic perspectives about Mexico.
Impact Story
Human Connections operates as a social enterprise which generates earned income through our unique, educational day tours and student programs. All profits are then invested back into Human Connections to deepen and expand our impact in the region. As a result, our business model and programs ensure sustainability for our organization and, most importantly, the community.