The Beacon Family Hub (TBF)

Organization Details
The Beacon Family Hub (TBF) is an Organization aimed at empowering coming generations in developing full potentials through Education towards building foundations for sustainable development in eradicating poverty. TBF’s activities includes early child care, educating/training of young persons, up-skilling teachers and child caregivers in assisting children in developing full potential and nation building capabilities in Ghana.
Support Needs
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Impact Story
TBF has engaged in various activities for children, parents, teachers, childcare givers, families and the community as a whole. Some of the activities include;
Ø TBF CREATIVITY CENTER: Engaging young person’s with our CREATIVE STEAM program by working with schools, organizing camps and club activities. This activates potentials and inspires imagination of children, teens and young adults in the application of Science, Technology, Engineer, Arts and Mathematics in solving problems around us using available resources in the communities. See: TBF Creativity Hub (
Ø Creativity and Innovation Fairs/Exhibitions. See: Fairandexhibitions (
Ø Guidance services for the young both those in and out of school on various issues concerning education, vocation and career as well as making Christ disciples. See: Guidance (
Ø Childcare givers and Early Childhood Education Trainings. See: TBF Institute (
Ø BEACON HAND WASH campaign using our educational materials and WASH STATIONS to inculcate and sustain the good habit of proper hand washing lifestyle. See: Handwash (
Ø Christian Parenting Fellowship. See: CPFHome (