Springboard Nigeria

Organization Details
Springboard – a Nigerian Social Enterprise that empowers small scale farmers and rural women through a Cooperative movement.
Nigerian small scale farmers are prosperous, can make a sustainable and comfortable living
Empower small scale farmers through a Cooperative movement to capture most of the value chain: Grow much more organic food, sell more and sell for more
•100,000 empowered farmers by 2030, each making over USD 1,500 annually with over 1 million family members of farmers benefitting from the improved income
•Serving the market with highly nutritious healthy food products
Impact Story
Springboard aims to change the old and poor perception of farming – we believe farming is a dignified source for livelihood and an exciting way of life. It should be done in a way that nourishes the health of people and nature.
The enterprise helps small scale farmers make a sustainable living, grow fair food, diversify, educate and train them to capture the most out of the value chain. The farmers grow cacao, plantain, rice, corn and fruit trees like pawpaw. It promotes a transition to sustainable and organic farming amongst over 3000 farmers.
Springboard also supports rural women in entrepreneurship with relevant business skills and micro-funds to start village enterprises.