Organization Details equips financial institutions with a digital platform to personalize and simplify loan application processes while they better understand customers and applicants. This results in more loans with less risk, reaching larger groups of people in less time.
Impact Story
In Honduras, financial institutions have money to lend, but people are still unable to borrow it. An abundance of capital sitting unused became sizable in 2019 and it grew during the pandemic. The liquidity in the financial sector doubled, to $6.2 billion in 2020. Despite this, six out of seven adults lack access to credit. So why has this money not been put to use?Because 98% of Honduran financial institutions still rely on paper-based loan processes.
We built because we know a different solution is possible. Our years of experience providing core-banking software made us think: what if we could just build a bridge? A simple digital connection from the systems that banks are using now to the people they need to reach. That bridge, is our customized digital loan-application software.