Based in Kenya

United Safe Environment Creators (USEC)

A Non-profit

How This Works

As part of the TRANSFORM Support Hub, you will learn how to advance your career while getting hands on experience with organizations like this one.

Organization Details

United Safe Environment Creators is a nonprofit community based organization founded on November 2015 and got registered in October 2016 with registration number SCSDO/TRKW/CBO/BO-201 working in Kakuma refugee camp, in Turkana county, northern Kenya.

The organization is made up of a team of compassionate youth refugees who aspire to transform the lives of refugee youth and vulnerable women through education, livelihood opportunities, and Environmental sustainability 

Impact Story


Mission: to empower young refugees and their communities through education, livelihood initiatives, and environmental sustainability, fostering a safe and prosperous future for all.

Vision: A world where refugees and marginalized communities have access to quality education, sustainable livelihood opportunities, and live in a safe environment where they can thrive and contribute positively to society.


1. Education: Empower young refugees in Kakuma refugee camp with essential digital skills to enhance their education, employability, and economic opportunities.

2. Livelihood: Enable refugees and marginalized communities to build sustainable livelihoods through skills development, entrepreneurship training, and access to resources, thereby fostering economic resilience and self-sufficiency.

3. Environmental Sustainability: Promote environmental conservation and sustainability within refugee camps and surrounding communities through awareness campaigns, waste management initiatives, and collaborative efforts, ensuring a safe and healthy environment for present and future generations