ME SOLshare Ltd.

Organization Details
SOLshare created a revolutionary new approach to bring affordable solar electricity to the energy poor in remote, rural off-grid communities in Bangladesh, India and beyond. Building upon the success of an installation base of five million solar home systems (SHS) in Bangladesh that generates an excess amount of energy worth US$ 1 billion per year that cannot be stored by individual systems, we are pioneering a micro-energy transition model.
Impact Story
In this model we interconnect solar home systems into smart peer-to-peer micro-grids, monetizing (excess) solar energy along the value chain with mobile money in real time and empowering rural communities to earn a direct income from the sun.It is the precursor of the ‘swarm’ approach for sustainable rural electrification. The world’s first solar peer-to-peer grid which has significant entrepreneurial benefits for all Solar Home System (SHS) users in remote and rural areas in Bangladesh and India where main grid electricity is currently unavailable.