Todos Podemos

Organization Details
Millions of people living in vulnerable situations have the necessary skills and passions to transform their lives and their communities. And nobody knows their context and needs better than them.
The problem is that they lack the tools to exploit this potential ...
And nobody believes in them enough to give them the opportunity to do it ... BUT WE DO!
Todos Podemos was created in 2017 to provide those people with access to the necessary preparation to become Agents of Change and permanently impact their lives. The organization uses its own 10-step training model in social entrepreneurship that empowers both future entrepreneurs and the institutions that support them.
By doing this, Todos Podemos is able to promote social and economic inclusion of the people traditionally excluded from the formal economy and from social innovation processes.
Impact Story
The training has been implemented in Guatemala and Colombia, in both rural and urban areas, with partners in the private and public sector. We have carried out highly successful training programs with entrepreneurs in indigenous communities and displaced populations, youth, single mothers, people with physical and mental disabilities, as well as with social workers and sociologists who replicate the model. Overall, 80% of the entrepreneurs we train obtain their first sales within the first 3 months after completing the program.