Support Yemeni Society Organization SYS

Organization Details
Support Yemeni Society Organization SYS is a humanitarian, development, ongovernmental and non-profit National NGO registered under Government License No. 481 Date: 26/8/2017. It seeks an effective contribution to the Yemeni people in need with a sustainable and omprehensive development that maintains human dignity. The philosophy of distinction locally and internationally SYS is based on justice, equality and human dignity, through cooperation and partnership with local and international organizations. It copes with technical and technological updates for pioneering and.
Impact Story
OUR MISSION Support Yemeni Society Organization seeks to provide distinctive and effective contributions to the Yemeni people in need through inclusive humanitarian and developmental projects that maintain human dignity.
OUR GOALS 1. Provide sustainable projects that alleviate poverty in Yemen.
2. Work in partnership with international and local organizations to achieve the global goals.
3. Education development.
4. Spread Social peace culture.
1. Transparency
2. Integrity
3. Sustainability
4. Equality
5. commitment
6. Humanism
7. Mercy
8. Partnership and Cooperation