Social Impact Project for Fundraising for Microbiz Digital Payments and Innovation Plans 

How This Works

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Project Description and Impact

Financial Inclusion now holds the ace for setting the pace for disruptive innovations in both digital payments and digital banking in Nigeria and across Africa. With over 150 million people using mobile phones with less than 50 million banked in a population of over 215 million people, the market remain largely untapped in Nigeria’s financial inclusion space.

In the Nigerian Financial Service System, Financial Technology (Fintech) has emerged as the driving force behind Financial Inclusion, especially with the improved adoption of mobile and agency banking platforms. Digital finance is rapidly outpacing conventional banking, creating a vast untapped opportunity for investors to make a difference and create wealth while adding significant value to society.

Digital payments is currently leading the innovation in this sector with transaction value currently estimated at 21.32 Billion(USD) and projected to reach 31.28 Billion (USD) by 2028.

MicroBiz has developed and positioned itself as a strategic digital financial service provider unlocking opportunities in the financial inclusion space with diverse offerings on payment solutions, agency banking platforms, market-oriented products and strategic partnerships.

We represent a group of financial service provider with a fintech and lending company, Microbiz Inclusion Centre Limited, a microfinance bank- Microbiz Microfinance Bank Limited, a grassroot microfinance institution-Peak Empowerment and Development Institution and a payment solution company-M-PAY Payment Solution Company.

We need funding now to scale our social business improviding our digital offerings to the clients for both local and cross boarder payments as well as having more working capital to scale up SME finance for our clients.

Learning Opportunity

The experteer will gain tremedensouly from working us.

1. He/she will gain insights of the posibilities and potential opportunities in the Nigeria's digital payment and financial inclusion market space.

2. He/she will have more understanding of the socio-cultural and economic environments of people in Africa and Nigeria in particular

3. He/she will appreciate the impacts of financial inclusion and digital inclusiveness for poor and marginalised underserved people in Nigeria and Africa.

4. The experteer will be able to undertand the peculiarities of the African countries and develop model that works in fund raising to attract impact investments

5. The experteer will become more knowledgeable and share from our ideas on how we are leveraging technology, peer-to-peer(B2P and B2B) social network and market-oriented products in creating impacts in oour social business and remaining sustainable.


This project accepts virtual experteers.

About the Hosting Organization

MICROBIZ INCLUSION CENTRE LIMITED is a For-profit with social mission working on Financial Services, Information Services, Information Technology (IT), Insurance, Investment Banking or Management, Venture Capital & Private Equity.
