Social Impact Project for Review of the Finance Department

How This Works

As part of the TRANSFORM Support Hub, you will learn how to advance your career while getting hands on experience on projects like this one.

Project Description and Impact

The Finance Department is essentially the same as it has been for 20 years, but larger, and using the same softaware for recording that it was then.  Quickbooks and excel sheets.  During this time the organiztaion has expanded from around 50 to 500 staff.  Our highly skilled Finance Director  left in November 2022 and we have not been able to replace him.  We are trying to find ways of upskilling and reorganising the department so that we have the skills and organizational systems to manage this situation and that we can develop our own staff to take this role. 

Learning Opportunity

StARS is a working environment like no other I have ever experienced.  The work is hard and long, and the circumstances in which we work are not luxurious, though they are perfectly adequate.  Working alongside refugees and migrants from all over the world, and the sense of shared purpose, and camaraderie is exceptional.  StARS seeks to find new ways of working which centres refugees in decision making and service delivery.  It has a collective decision making model whereby there is no executive director but a group of departmental leaders run the organization, of which the finance director should be a vital part. 


This project accepts virtual experteers.

About the Hosting Organization

St Andrew's Refugee Services (StARS) is a Non-profit working on Global Development.
