Social Impact Project for Clean Cooking PAYG project with IoT smart meter.

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Project Description and Impact

Safi Africa Energy is on a mission to transform the way the world cooks, tackling the widespread use of harmful traditional fuels like charcoal, kerosene, and firewood. With a staggering 2.6 billion people relying on these fuels daily, the health and environmental impacts are severe. Safi aims to supply clean cooking liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) to urban households on a pay-as-you-go basis, ensuring safe and sustainable energy for all.

Our unique business model combines clean fuel, digital technology, and local distribution logistics to revolutionize the cooking industry. LPG is delivered directly to customers' homes in 12kg cylinders, eliminating the need for upfront deposits and making cooking convenient and accessible, especially for low-income households. Our 'last yard' distribution network ensures efficient delivery to densely populated urban areas, including informal settlements, further expanding our reach. Each depot will support customers within a 2- 5km radius, be financially self-sustaining at 30% capacity (10,000 cylinders), ensuring a disciplined organic operational expansion, while being highly visible in the community from which we draw our workers, who live amongst our customers, enhancing brand awareness and customer trust. Strong contact and data flow from local customers through the depot further strengthen our ability, effectively, to manage gas consumption, resupply and equipment use.

We have designed and built the most advanced and cheapest Smart IoT LPG Dispensing Meter in Los Angeles, with all the firmware and software required to operate it. Our proprietary Smart Meter hardware and software technology continually monitors customer consumption and mobile money payments. This allows us to schedule deliveries before customers run out of gas and ensures that customer service issues can be addressed around the clock, 365 days a year. We have obtained regulatory approvals, and together with the leading “last mile” consultancy in Paris, developed a scalable financing model for the business. Our final keystone to success is the quality of our people – very experienced founders, a diverse and highly accomplished advisory board, and a growing collection of hand-picked committed and experienced staff.

With significant social impact and attractive commercial returns, Safi presents a compelling investment opportunity. Our experienced management team, strong industry partnerships, and innovative digital solutions position us as leaders in the clean cooking market. Join us in our mission to create a brighter, more sustainable future for all while capturing a share of the burgeoning clean LPG market. According to the World LPG Association, the LPG market was valued at USD 134.3 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to reach USD 188.08 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 4.3%. In Nigeria alone, the TAM is 42 million households, currently worth USD 10 billion, and set to grow to USD 20 billion by 2030.

Learning Opportunity

We believe we have broken new ground in how solving huge global problems can be incubated and made viable, then fundraising from the affected communities before seeking cross-border investors.

We have also done a lot of work in structuring the companies and hope to share these with the experteer.


This project accepts virtual experteers.

About the Hosting Organization

Safi Africa Energy is a For-profit with social mission working on Global Development, Health / Wellness / Fitness, Industrial Engineering, Oil & Energy, Utilities.
