Based in Colombia

Quántica Education

A For-profit with social mission

How This Works

As part of the TRANSFORM Support Hub, you will learn how to advance your career while getting hands on experience with organizations like this one.

Organization Details

Quántica is a school of social entrepreneurship and creative business design. It is a training ground of innovative thinking and collaboration. But above all, it is a school of doing, of empathy-driven action. We encourage taking that first step, to step strong, to continue and to persevere. Ultimately, we are a place to learn how to change the world and make life a celebration. We are convinced that education is the most powerful tool to create social change and that there is no group better than entrepreneurs to make it happen.

Impact Story

We exist to help create a world in which every person who feels called to make a change in the world has the tools to do so.  We create an impact when the aspiring changemakers that we train become active changemakers in their communities, whether they become social entrepreneurs, local activists, intrapreneurs, or anything in between.

We equip them with the necessary knowledge and competencies to create conditions where their imagination and reality start to meet. We complement frustration, idealism, and thirst for change, with strategic project management skills, business development knowledge, and creativity. We are an institution of doers and innovators who ask - why - and most importantly - why not?