MovingWorlds Releases NEW Platform, Supporting the Industry to Meet Its Sustainability & Equity Goals in a New Landscape, and Bridging CSR & Social Enterprise

SEATTLE - March 17, 2021 - One year since COVID's rampage began, CSR conversations have skyrocketed, and they will accelerate further with the new administration. As of Feb. 26, Biden will increase the carbon tax and the SEC is likely to require ESG reporting. The rapid growth in ESG investing, which now accounts for 33% of assets under management, is a trend poised to continue, which will increase the pressure on companies to prioritize ESG, with 96% of the G250 currently reporting.

"CSR leaders will have an increasingly prominent seat at the corporate decision-making table in 2021. Therefore, we interviewed 50 CSR global leaders – as well as 20 other stakeholders, like partners, investors, board members, and more – to identify what they are betting on in 2021 and beyond," said Mark Horoszowski, CEO of MovingWorlds, which has helped companies scale ESG programs since 2014. "In light of our findings, we are launching a new platform for CSR leaders and departments to grow and guide their strategy and execution

MovingWorlds' new report "Can Capitalism Lead a More Sustainable and Equitable Recovery?" shares key insights: 1. CSR Should Change Companies from the Inside Out / 2. Employee Demand for CSR is Rising / 3. Executives are Still Confused about the Role of CSR / 4. Boards are Blocking CSR Progress / 5. Expectations from Partners, Governments, and Communities are Increasing for CSR / 6. The Rise of the "Social Enterprise" is Critical to Corporate ESG Targets

The report offers detailed tips for CSR leaders for a resilient recovery, including how to 1. Get Active at the Board Level / 2. Build Longer-term Plans / 3. Be Seen as a Strategic Partner Across the Business, Not a Pest / 4. Engage Executives and Turn them into Heroes / 5. Invest in Self-care / 6. Embrace the Social Enterprise / 7. Scale by Educating and Engaging Employees

MovingWorlds' new S-GRID Corporate Platform enables businesses to achieve sustainability and equity targets with an economical and easy-to-launch, fully managed service

  1. Build More Business Support & Executive Buy-in- with PR and Leadership Opportunities
  2. Create Lasting Impact at the Community and Global Levels - and the Data to Show it
  3. Scale Without Overhead - with a Flexible Infrastructure
  4. Engage & Educate Employees in CSR - with Meaningful & Transformational Experiences
  5. Access Skills-Based Volunteering Projects for All Employees - at Home, Virtually or Globally
  6. Network with Innovative Partners from Around the World - Help them Build Capacity

The way forward is integrating CSR into the business. Horoszowski says, "Capitalism is the most powerful force on the planet – second to mother nature and democracy. For corporations to achieve their goals, they must address the social and environmental challenges we now face. In our interviews, we were inspired by countless CSR leaders who shared that while their jobs have never been harder, the current crisis also provides the opportunity of a generation to integrate CSR into the soul of business and that only by doing so, can we truly create corporations that will care for all stakeholders."


MovingWorlds believes that a more sustainable, equitable, and just system of capitalism that employs people in dignified, purposeful jobs is possible. It builds the skills, networks, and confidence of people – working across sectors – to create true systems change through their careers and enterprises. In partnerships with companies, impact investors, foundations, and policy organizations, MovingWorlds has educated over 1,200 professionals on sustainable development and empowered them to support social enterprise projects across over 110 countries.


Marissa Feinberg

