Selling with impact header with ysb and tsh logo

What is this?

We’ve teamed up with Yunus Social Business to bring you “Selling With Impact: A Guide to Grow Your B2B Sales”. It is a series designed to help your social enterprise increase revenues by selling to other businesses (B2B sales).

Who is this for?

This is for impact entrepreneurs, social businesses, and/or social enterprises that are new to B2B sales and working to grow their sales.

Why are we doing it?

B2B sales represent a $500 billion market opportunity for social entrepreneurs like you to develop stable revenue streams while scaling impact -- and we want to help you tap into it.

How does this series works?

This 6-month series will help you grow your sales and impact by partnering and selling to other businesses and finding opportunities with corporate clients. The series will include written chapters, sent to you through your mailbox, on a bi-weekly basis, as well as online workshops and panels with experts. Throughout this program, we will cover the following topics:

  1. Creating a Winning B2B Growth Plan
  2. Identifying and knowing your clients
  3. Creating your sales process
  4. Building a powerful brand
  5. Perfecting your B2B sales and closing your pitches
  6. Selling to a large corporation

By the end of this program, you will be able to:

  • Define your ideal buyers, and build a prospective pipeline
  • Create compelling sales materials for your targeted buyers
  • Implement your own sales process and system
  • Build a compelling brand and content to capture inbound prospects
  • Learn how to identify new opportunities

If you are interested, you can also receive access to pro bono consulting support through the TRANSFORM Support Hub (TSH), to help you in executing your sales strategy. If you are not yet a member, you will need to apply here.

When is it?

From June 2024 through December 2024, we will have a series of written chapters sent to you through your mailbox, on a bi-weekly basis, as well as online workshops and panels with experts.


Register using the form below.
(If you have trouble with the form, you can also access it here.)